Utah Housing FirstHome Loan

The Utah Housing First Time Buyer Program called FirstHome Loan is a great program for any first time buyer. The Utah housing First Time Buyer Program allows for up to 6% of the first mortgage loan as down payment assistance (DPA). This DPA is in the form of a 30 year fixed rate second loan. The DPA can be used for down payment and/or closing costs for the FHA first mortgage. You must be a first time buyer and be able to qualify for an FHA mortgage.

Utah Home Grant Qualify

Qualification and Requirements:*

  • Must qualify for an FHA loan
  • No Portion of the property may be rented throughout the term of the UHC Loan
  • 6% of the first loan amount is available for DPA
  • Minimum of 660 Fico score
  • No geographical restriction in Utah
  • See below for income and max purchase price

Income and Purchase Price Limits for Utah Housing Loans

Loan Program
(FHA/VA Loan)
Counties Family Size 1-2
Income Limit
Family Size 3+
Income Limit
Purchase Price Limit
FirstHome Beaver, Cache, Carbon, Daggett, Emery, Grand, Millard, Rich, Sevier, Uintah $108,500 $124,750 $510,900
FirstHome Box Elder $109,900 $126,800 $608,500
FirstHome Davis, Morgan, Summit, Wasatch, Weber $132,450 $154,550 $762,950
FirstHome Duchesne, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Piute, San Juan, Sanpete, Wayne $130,200 $151,900 $513,200
FirstHome Juab, Utah $130,800 $152,600 $613,400
FirstHome Salt Lake $113,800 $130,850 $635,600
FirstHome Tooele $113,800 $130,850 $635,600
FirstHome Washington $109,900 $126,800 $608,500

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$ The Chenoa Fund allows up to 3.5% of the purchase price on 1-2 units. Three programs available from Grant/Gift, Forgivable Second or Repayable Second. The repayable second has no income restrictions.

$ Utah Housing Corporation Loan allows between 4%-6% of the purchase price as down payment assistance. Choose from FirstHome, HomeAgain, Score & NoMI.

$ The Rural Housing program is a great 100% financing program and is available in most of this county.

$ The Chenoa Fund allows up to 3.5% of the purchase price on 1-2 units. Three programs available from Grant/Gift, Forgivable Second or Repayable Second. The repayable second has no income restrictions.

$ Utah Housing Corporation Loan allows between 4%-6% of the purchase price as down payment assistance. Choose from FirstHome, HomeAgain, Score & NoMI.

$ The Rural Housing program is a great 100% financing program and is available in most of this county.

$ The Chenoa Fund allows up to 3.5% of the purchase price on 1-2 units. Three programs available from Grant/Gift, Forgivable Second or Repayable Second. The repayable second has no income restrictions.

$ Utah Housing Corporation Loan allows between 4%-6% of the purchase price as down payment assistance. Choose from FirstHome, HomeAgain, Score & NoMI.

$ The Rural Housing program is a great 100% financing program and is available in most of this county.

$ The Chenoa Fund allows up to 3.5% of the purchase price on 1-2 units. Three programs available from Grant/Gift, Forgivable Second or Repayable Second. The repayable second has no income restrictions.

$ Utah Housing Corporation Loan allows between 4%-6% of the purchase price as down payment assistance. Choose from FirstHome, HomeAgain, Score & NoMI.

$ The Rural Housing program is a great 100% financing program and is available in most of this county.

$ The Chenoa Fund allows up to 3.5% of the purchase price on 1-2 units. Three programs available from Grant/Gift, Forgivable Second or Repayable Second. The repayable second has no income restrictions.

$ Utah Housing Corporation Loan allows between 4%-6% of the purchase price as down payment assistance. Choose from FirstHome, HomeAgain, Score & NoMI.

$ The Rural Housing program is a great 100% financing program and is available in most of this county.

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